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During Holy Week and Easter day, the inhabitants and visitors of the island are delighted to experience and participate in the religious customs and traditions of the island, which is an ideal nearby destination for the Easter days.

On the evening of Maundy Thursday, in a climate of great overcrowding, the procession of the Holy Passion and the Crucifixion of Christ takes place in the Churches.

On Good Friday, with the bells of the Churches of Agistrio ringing mournfully, the Deposition of the Holy Body of Christ takes place, with the climax of the emotion of the faithful.
On the evening of Good Friday, there is a procession of the Epitaphs of the Churches through the cobbled streets, followed by a crowd of believers.

On the evening of Holy Saturday, in all the Churches of the island, the Resurrection service is held reverently in splendor, with the bells of all the churches, “in Christos Anestis” ringing joyfully and together with the firecrackers and flares, sending the message of the Resurrection of the Lord.

On Easter Sunday shortly before noon, the Divine Liturgy of Love is celebrated, with the faithful embracing each other.

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